(704) 271-9757 dradkins@cwli.net
Sarah loses 21 pounds in 8 weeks
Sara Loses 21 Pounds At Carolinas Weight Loss Institute

Today we are extremely proud to feature another beautiful journey from our Forest City team. Sarah accomplished 21 lbs with her 8 week plan.

When asked what are her thoughts at the end of her 8 week journey, here’s what Sarah said: “I feel like compared to any other program out there, CWLI was the most effective with the fastest results and for me it was very easy it was to follow.”


Schedule a free consultation at any of our locations: call or text 704-271-9757. Go here request online: https://carolinasweig1.wpengine.com/appointment/

Carolinas Weight Loss Institute Locations:

Gastonia (and long distance): 704-271-9757

Forest City/Columbus: 828-355-4131

Matthews/Ballantyne: 704-321-4663

Morganton: 828-219-3233